Ythdf is a N6‐methyladenosine reader that modulates Fmr1 target mRNA selection and restricts axonal growth in Drosophila.

AuthorsWorpenberg L, Paolantoni C, Longhi S, Mulorz MM, Lence T, Wessels HH, Dassi E, Aiello G, Sutandy FXR, Scheibe M, Edupuganti RR, Busch A, Möckel MM, Vermeulen M, Butter F, König J, Notarangelo M, Ohler U, Dieterich C, Quattrone A#, Soldano A# and Roignant JY#  (#indicates joint correspondence) 
Group Leader Butter ,  König
JournalEMBO J
Citation page numbers40:e104975
DateJan 2021
Publication URL