The Caenorhabditis elegans TDRD5/7-like protein, LOTR-1, interacts with the helicase ZNFX-1 to balance epigenetic signals in the germline.

AuthorsMarnik EA*, Almeida MV*, Cipriani PG*, Chung G, Caspani E, Karaulanov E, Gan HH, Zinno J, Isolehto IJ, Kielisch F, Butter F, Sharp CS, Flanagan RM, Bonnet FX, Piano F, Ketting RF#, Gunsalus KC# and Updike DL#  (*indicates joint contribution, #indicates joint correspondence) 
Group Leader Ketting ,  Butter
JournalPLOS Genet
Citation page numbers18:e1010245
DateJun 2022
Publication URL