Gutenberg Workshop: Longitudinal Cohorts in Healthy Ageing and Disease prevention
Ageing is a complex process that manifests on multiple levels ranging from cells to the whole organism. It is the primary risk factor for many incurable, long-term illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegeneration. Many age-related diseases manifest as multimorbidities with presumably common molecular underpinnings. Understanding the common molecular mechanisms that underlie the ageing process is therefore imperative to develop improved treatments that are effective against multiple age-related diseases. Longitudinal cohort studies enable the study of ageing on a systemic level over time and allow the identification of predictors of health decline.
This 1.5-day workshop brings together international experts to discuss recent advances in the analysis of longitudinal cohorts and their implications in clinical interventions to tackle ageing and age-related diseases.
Session topics will focus on the epigenomics of ageing, molecular and genetic causes of multimorbidity, advanced computational methods for cohort analysis and environmental effects on healthy ageing and age-related disease.
Organisers of the meeting
- Annette Peters, Director of the Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Munich & Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
- Philipp Wild, Coordinator Gutenberg Health Study, Head of Clinical Epidemiology and Systems Medicine UMC Mainz
- Christof Niehrs, Founding and Scientific Director, Institute of Molecular Biology, Mainz
Scientific Advisor: Peter Baumann, Johannes Gutenberg University & Institute of Molecular Biology, Mainz, DE
For a list of confirmed speakers, please click here.
For the preliminary programme, please click here. Find more information about the workshop excursion here.
Registration Fees
Students - 350 €
Academic Scientist - 400 €
Industry - 550 €
For information on hotels with special workshop rates, please click here.
Thank you to the following organisations, institutions & companies for their support.

Abstract submission: 31 Aug 2023